The Maestro Sacconi
in the testimony of the violinmaker and restorer
Hans J. Nebel

Harrington Park, September 19, 1983

In 1956 I met Mr. Sacconi while he and Rembert Wurlitzer visited the Violinmaking School in Mittenwald, in which I was then enrolled as a student.

Mr. Sacconi saw my work and I was offered a position at Wurlitzer's in New York. Of course, as a youngster, just having graduated from the school, such an offer to work alongside with the Maestro at Wurlitzer was overwhelming. The wealth of knowledge available then in that shop under Mr. Sacconi was willingly and readily shared.

My admiration for him was his approach to certain repairs. In my opinion, Mr. Sacconi's greatest strength laid with his ability to demonstrate a particular job; however, I personally feel that he excelled in his skills in the retouching of varnish. His understanding of colors was exceptional.

I was fortunate enough to have worked alongside Mr. Sacconi from 1957 till his death. Although, over his lifespan he had many of pupils and aquaintances, – it is a small circle of pupils which have excelled and are able to carry-on his style and tradition of work. My personal gratitude goes to Maestro Sacconi, who was largely instrumental in shaping my life as a violin restorer.

Mr. Sacconi's expertise as a violin conoisseur was highly sought after and carried great weight in the violin world.

In this spirit and through his work, Maestro Sacconi will be remembered for generations to come.

Harrington Park, September 19, 1983

Taken from the book: «From Violinmaking to Music: The Life and Works of Simone Fernando Sacconi», presented on December 17, 1985 at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. (Cremona, ACLAP, first edition 1985, second edition 1986, page 96 - Italian / English)